Householder Koans (Apr 25)

Study:  April 25, 20219:30 am – 11:00 am,  The Book of Householder Koans by Eve Myonen Marko and Wendy Egyoku Nakao.  We will focus on Daian: The Climbing Rose Vine, p 29.  We’ll be exploring various ways to engage with this and other koans.  Is there another koan  that resonates with you? If so, go ahead and bookmark the page, as we may explore other koans, time permitting.

Zoom + Outdoor Zazen (Apr 18)

Zoom + Outdoor Zazen Sunday 4/18  We are planning to have a combination of Zoom and outdoor Zazen on Sunday 4/18 (weather permitting).  Outdoor Zazen will be in Shokai’s garden in Southampton.  For Zoomers, the start time may be modified, but otherwise, the Zoom Zendo as usual.  Please watch for more information.

Householder Koans (Mar)

Our study of the Book of Householder Koans has been very rich.  Many thanks to everybody for really showing up with openness and vulnerability.

The next study group will be taking place on March 28, 2021 following our usual sit.  Kenko suggests we look at the Chapter entitled “Gates of Practice” and the Koan “Shishin: Golden Buddha“.  We’ll be exploring various ways to engage with this and other koans in the same chapter.  Is there another koan in this chapter that resonates with you? If so, go ahead and bookmark the page, as we may explore other koans, time permitting.

Householder Koans (Feb)

Our next study group will be taking place on February 28, 2021 following our usual sit. Jo-Ei suggests we look at the Chapter entitled “Gates of Practice” and the first Koan “Christina: How pathetic I am“.  We’ll be exploring various ways to engage with this and other koans in the same chapter.  Is there another koan in this chapter that resonates with you? If so, go ahead and bookmark the page, as we may explore other koans, time permitting.

Householder Koans (Jan)

Our next study group will be taking place on January 24, 2021 following our usual sit. We’ll be looking at “The Book of Householder Koans” by Eve Myonen Marko and Wendy Egyoku Nakao, beginning with the section on Loss, Illness, Old Age and Death and the koan: Karen: The Old Woman Meets a Fish. We’ll be exploring various ways to engage with this and other koans. Is there another koan in this section that resonates with you? If so, go ahead and bookmark the page, as we may explore other koans, time permitting.

December & January 2020

Year End Retreat — Village Zendo, Being Time — Virtual Winter Sesshin, December 26 – December 31

The Village Zendo’s annual Winter Retreat has always held special significance as we conclude one year and welcome the next.  This year, the invitation to a deeper letting go is all the more urgent when it is clear that big changes are in store for us.  More information here.

Oxbow Zen Sangha Meeting — Sunday, January 10th, 9:30 am – 11:00 am,

Study:  Sunday, January 24th, 9:30 am – 11:00 am, The Book of Householder Koans (also from your local book store) by Eve Myonen Marko and Wendy Egyoku Nakao.  The discussion will focus on one koan, to be announced.

Study: Three Step Zen Mindfulness Method by Ryodo Roshi

Regarding Ryodo Roshi’s chapter, you can find a one-page overview that summarizes the realms of the mind he names, along with some of their qualities.
Here’s a link to the entry point I would suggest, into the Cloudbook, namely the section on the “Realms of the Mind.”
I think the following few short consecutive sections would be helpful to read for our December 6 study meeting:
As you read the sections, you are invited to explore:
  • How do you experience each of these “Realms” and “Steps?”
  • What are their qualities, for you?
  • Are there specific practices that support you in taking particular “Steps”?
  • What words or images do you find helpful in communicating the qualities of each “Realm”?
For an overview of his overall online writings, here’s the Table of Contents at
To help identify possible future study texts, Shokai suggested we take a look at Suggested Readings from the Village Zendo:
Looking forward to studying with you!

Walking Meditation

Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary with Fall Colors
Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary with Fall Colors

Practice at Oxbow Zen continues online.  Study will continue on October 25.  Several folks also sit with the Village Zendo on some mornings during the week — and the monthly Zazenkais offered by our mothership.

During this beautiful fall season, please also take the opportunity to experience the changing world in your own surroundings.  Hugs and warm wishes!

Outdoor service, kinhin, study

A handful of Oxbow Zen practitioners practicing outdoor kinhin among fall foliage.
Outdoor kinhin in the Fall.

The Oxbow Zen Sangha met for our (masked and distanced) second outdoor event. Zazen, a chanting service, and a long outdoor kinhin period were followed by group study of “White Fragility” and what it might suggest for our practice. Bows to all!

June Study

Our study of Janet Abels’ book “Making Zen Your Own” will continue on Sunday June 28, after the regular sit, from 9:30-11:00 AM. We will be discussing the relationship to our lives of Chapter 11, which is on Yunmen.