Feb & Mar 2020 Events

Dear Oxbow Zen Community:

Just a quick note about upcoming events with the Oxbow Zen Sangha!

Zazen:  Our regular Sunday morning Zazen continues.  Let’s meet at 8:05 AM as usual to set up our Zendo space at the Friends Meeting House for community Zazen.  We are fortunate that Soshin Hoshi may now offer private interview (“daisan”) during the Sunday sits.  Please consider taking advantage of this important pillar of Zen practice.

Study:  On Sunday, March 1, from 9:45-11:30 after the sit you are warmly invited to Magna House (#201, 26 Crescent St, Northampton) for our monthly Zen Study with coffee, snacks, and fellowship (https://oxbowzen.org/study-group/).  We’ll be discussing the connection to our lives of the reading on Dongshan in Janet Abels’ book “Making Zen Your Own.”   All are invited!  

Talk:  When Jo-Ei/Roger and I were on the West Coast, we learned about Flora Eko Courtois, a Co-Founder of ZCLA and the Santa Barbara Zen Group. On Sunday March 1, Roger will be sharing with us some of what he found out in his research about Flora’s life and practice.  A quote from Flora:

Every moment lived in absorbed attention is simultaneously a beginning and an end, at once a birth and a death. In such attention we are radically open to the unexpected, to letting life live us. Any event, however small or seemingly trivial, properly attended, opens the door to infinity.

Register for the Day-long sit (Zazenkai):  On Saturday March 21 you are invited to an all-day sit (8AM-5PM, *) with Ryotan Sensei from the Village Zendo.  Many thanks to Ryotan Sensei for supporting our practice.  And special thanks to Shokai and Mark for hosting the Sangha in their beautiful home in Southampton!    

(*) If you are unable to join for the full day, consider participating in just the morning portion. That way we can all start and settle in together.

Register here (please indicate a potluck item you will bring):

Happy to be practicing with all of you!

Small altar at the Friends Meeting House
Small altar at the Friends Meeting House

2020 Events

Dear Oxbow Zen Community:

Happy New Year 2020! Just a quick note about upcoming events!

Zazen:  This coming Sunday, Feb 2, we’ll meet at 8:05 AM as usual to set up our Zendo space at the Friends Meeting House for community Zazen.

Study:  After the sit, from 9:45-11:30 you’re invited to Magna House (#201) for our monthly Zen Study with coffee, snacks, and fellowship (https://oxbowzen.org/study-group/).  We’ll be discussing the connection to our lives of the reading on “Zhaozhou” in Janet Abels’ book “Making Zen Your Own.”   All are invited to share their experience with the reading!

Day-long sit (Zazenkai):  Mark your calendars for the Saturday March 21 all-day sit with Ryotan Sensei from the Village Zendo.  Many thanks to Shokai and Mark for hosting the Sangha in their beautiful home in Southampton!

Happy to be practicing with all of you!

Image of snow couple on Paradise Pond
Winter on Paradise Pond

December Event Schedule

Fri Dec 6 – Sat Dec 7: Rohatsu: All-night sit to commemorate the Buddha’s awakening. All are welcome! Arrive between 8:10-8:20 PM when the building doors are open. We will conclude on Saturday morning at 7 AM.

Thu Dec 12: Fusatsu: Evening ceremony of atonement, awakening, and renewal. Starts at 5:30 PM, ends around 7:00 PM. Please arrive a few minutes early to set up the space, and settle in.

Sun Dec 15: Study at Magna House from 10AM – 11:30 AM, after the regular morning sit. Read the chapter on Linji/Rinzai in the study text “Making Zen Your Own” and share your reflections when we meet.

Year-end Retreat, Dec 26-Jan 1: Enter deep silence and stillness with this Zen retreat hosted by the Village Zendo at the Garrison Institute. Learn more and register!


We’re excited to announce a very special event, namely an all night sit to celebrate the Buddha’s Enlightenment, called “Rohatsu” in our Japanese Zen tradition.  It will take place in our new home at the Friends Meeting House!   All are welcome!!  
On Rohatsu we commemorate the Budda’s enlightenment by doing as he did — sitting Zazen all night.
Start: Friday December 6 evening (~ 8:15 PM)
Ends: Saturday December 7 in the morning (~7 AM)

There will be a Dharma Talk by Soshin Hoshi.
Short breaks for rest are included and a light meal will be served around the halfway point.  Please join us!  Help us celebrate this most important date on the Buddhist calendar.   Please note that you may leave the building at any time, but there is no entry or re-entry after 8:15 PM


Fusatsu is an ancient ceremony of atonement, awakening, and new beginnings — recognizing and celebrating the circle of the year nearing its completion, and a new circle beginning.  Making all fresh and new!

All are invited to throw themselves fully into it 😉 

Study Resumes (in person)

Starting in September, we resume our shared study of Janet Jiryu Abels’ book “Making Zen Your Own.” We will meet at Magna House on the third Sunday of the month after the morning sit, around 9:45 AM. Our guiding question for the shared study and discussion is this: “Having read the section, how do I see it come up in my life?”

  • Sept 22: Chapter 4: Shitou
  • Oct 20: Chapter 5: Guishan
  • Nov 17: Linji
  • Dec 15: Zhaozhou
  • Jan 19: Dongshan
  • Feb 16: Deshan
  • Mar 15: Xuefeng
  • Apr 19: Yunmen
  • May 17: Fayan (last chapter)

Book: Making Zen your Own
“Giving Life to Twelve Key Golden Age Ancestors”

Study: Huineng (Chapter 2)

Earlier today, we had a warm online video meeting to connect and check in with each other, and to explore together our reflections on the “Bodhidharma” chapter from our study text.

The next chapter we’ll read focuses on “Huineng.” By March 3 please add your reflections to our shared document, so we all have a week to read them and comment. We will connect again via Google Hangout video link on Sunday March 17, 4 PM (EST).

Details, video links, etc. will be shared through the email list, as usual. If you have questions about the technical aspects for this study group, please contact us at oxbowzensangha@gmail.com .