Falling Leaf Zazenkai 2017

Zazenkai with Ryotan Sensei Sep 30 2017

At the Sep 30 Zazenkai, Ryotan Sensei invoked Ryokan’s poem

Maple leaf
Falling down
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Showing back

as an invitation to look deeply into this mind.

Three full bows in gratitude to Ryotan Sensei for making the trip to share the teaching with the Oxbow Zen Sangha!

And, as always, many thanks to the many hands that create and maintain the container in which we can settle deeply into whole-hearted practice.  Very special thanks to Shokai and Mark for their hospitality!

Fall Events

Exciting new events at Oxbow Zen coming up this fall!   Mark your calendars!

  • Sept 30: All-day Zazenkai with Ryotan Sensei from the Village Zendo.
  • Oct 8: Service (Kenko) + Study (10AM – noon)
  • Oct 22: Dharma Talk (Soshin)
  • Nov 12: Service & Talk (Kenko) + Study
  • Dec 10: Fusatsu Service w/ Talk (Soshin) + Study

Earlier start to Sunday sit: arrive 7:45 AM, bell for the first sit at 8:00 AM.

Evening sit moves to Wednesday:  6:00-7:30 PM at Magna House.  Contact us for location details.

Looking forward to deepening the practice together!

Bodhisattva Citizens

Village Zendo Dai-Sesshin 2017

Four Oxbow Zen practitioners have just returned from a deep and settled Dai-Sesshin with the Village Zendo at The Grail in Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY.  Can you spot them in the picture?

All the seven Dharma talks were shared as live video through Facebook.  Roshi Enkyo urges us in her talk on the “Genjokoan in Troubled Times” to find our own way for acting as a Bodhisattva Citizen (audio). Soshin Osho uses the Koan of “Babyface Pro Wrestling” to encourage us to notice when what we think we know creates separation between us and them (audio), and how much learning and healing is possible when that separation eases.

Oxbow Zen!

After thinking of ourselves as “Upstairs Zen” (because of the location where we’ve been meeting) and the “Bring-Your-Own-Cushions” Sangha (to indicate that you’d have to BYOC to the sit), we’re now thinking of ourselves as “Oxbow Zen.”

We welcome you to our new web site at oxbowzen.org and will soon transition our electronic mailing list to the new name!

Our dedication to practicing together remains unchanged 😉