Zazenkai – Sat June 8 (Half-day with Village Zendo online)

A day-long Zazenkai is typically on the schedule at Oxbow Zen for the first Sunday in Jan, Apr, Jun, and Oct:  In 2024, that’s Jan 7, Apr 7, Jun 2, and Oct 6 2024.

However, in June 2024, we will not be organizing our own day-long Zazenkai.

Instead, Oxbow Zen folks are invited to sit together in our Zendo space on Saturday June 8, from 8:15 – 1:00 PM, as we link up with the Online Zazenkai hosted from the Village Zendo.

It will include ample periods of meditation, service, a Dharma talk, and conclude with open sozan.

If you plan on attending, please let us know by Saturday June 1, so we can plan for an appropriate container (including laptop screens) at Oxbow Zen.

Study – May 19: Opening to Oneness, Nancy Mujo Baker

Oxbow Zen Study takes place on the third Sunday of each month. We are meeting in the Zendo after our usual Sunday sit, beginning at 9:30.

We’re be studying Opening to Oneness: A Practical Guide to the Zen Precepts by Nancy Mujo Baker.”  For those who wish to order the book online the following link is provided:

Upcoming:  May 19 (Chapter 5, Meikame)

Past meetings: March 17 (Soshin Sensei, Chapter 4),  Feb 18 (Jo-Ei, Chapter 3), Nov 19 (Ann, Chapter 2), Oct 15 (Shokai, “Non-killing”),

[There’s also a YouTube video when she talked with the VZ book group.]

Fusatsu – May 19

We are doing a Fusatsu ceremony about once a month,  usually on the third Sunday of each month — sometimes without a precepts talk.

Fusatsu is an ancient Buddhist chanting and bowing ceremony of atonement and purification that provides us with the opportunity to acknowledge our deep karmic entanglements. There will be a short talk on one of the Bodhisattva precepts.

We’ll sit for one 30 minute round before going into Fusatsu, which takes about 45-65 min, depending on whether there’s a talk.

Zazenkai – April 14

You are warmly invited to an all-day “spring” Zazenkai on Sunday April 14.  It will include Oryoki lunch, so please plan to bring your bowls (if you have any).  A mug for tea would also be helpful.  More details to come via email.  All are welcome!

To register, please email by Friday 4/12/24.  Include: whether you can join us for the whole day or part time, if you will be having lunch, and if you need to borrow an oryoki set. We need a head count for meal planning.

If you’re coming from a distance and need a place to stay overnight, please reach out.

Zazenkai is typically on the schedule for the first Sunday in Jan, Apr, Jun, and Oct:  In 2024, that’s Jan 7, Apr 7, Jun 2, and Oct 6 2024.

Fusatsu – Apr 21

We are doing a Fusatsu ceremony about once a month,  usually on the third Sunday of each month — sometimes without a precepts talk.

Fusatsu is an ancient Buddhist chanting and bowing ceremony of atonement and purification that provides us with the opportunity to acknowledge our deep karmic entanglements. There will be a short talk on one of the Bodhisattva precepts.

The next Fusatsu will take place on April 21.  We’ll sit for one 30 minute round before going into Fusatsu, which takes about 45-65 min, depending on whether there’s a talk.

Study – Apr 21: Opening to Oneness, Nancy Mujo Baker

Oxbow Zen Study takes place on the third Sunday of each month. We are meeting in the Zendo after our usual Sunday sit, beginning at 9:30.

We’re be studying Opening to Oneness: A Practical Guide to the Zen Precepts by Nancy Mujo Baker.”  For those who wish to order the book online the following link is provided:

Upcoming:  April 21 (Chapter 5)

Past meetings: March 17 (Soshin Sensei, Chapter 4),  Feb 18 (Jo-Ei, Chapter 3), Nov 19 (Ann, Chapter 2), Oct 15 (Shokai, “Non-killing”),

[There’s also a YouTube video when she talked with the VZ book group.]

Three Bows for January Zazenkai


Oxbow Zen getting ready for Oryoki at the January 21 2024 Zazenkai.
Oxbow Zen getting ready for Oryoki at the January 21 2024 Zazenkai.

Wholehearted sitting in the depth of winter, in the silence and stillness of snow and ice.  Delicious potpourri of plain, savory, and sweet tastes in the eating bowls.  Many hands making light work. Flowing and connecting in liturgy.  Zazenkai at Oxbow Zen.

Deep bows!

Zazenkai – Jan 21

You are warmly invited to an all-day Zazenkai on Sunday, January 21.  It will include Oryoki lunch, so please plan to bring your bowls (if you have any).  A mug for tea would also be helpful.  More details to come via email.  All are welcome!   If your registration status changes, please let know by Jan 15.

Zazenkai dates in 2024: Sunday Jan 7, Apr 7, Jun 2, Oct 6 2024.

Dec 17: Fusatsu

On Sunday, December 17, we’ll be doing a Fusatsu ceremony, after a 10 minute sit to settle.

Fusatsu is an ancient Buddhist chanting and bowing ceremony of atonement and purification that provides us with the opportunity to acknowledge our deep karmic entanglements. There will be a short talk on one of the Bodhisattva precepts.