Oct 6 – Zazenkai

You are warmly invited to an all-day “fall” Zazenkai on Sunday October 6.

For Oryoki, please bring your own lunch (does not have to fit into the usual 3 bowls).  We’ll be eating together in our seats in the Zendo in a modified oryoki container. A mug for tea would also be helpful.  Reach out with any questions! All are welcome!

To register, please email oxbowzensangha@gmail.com by Friday Oct 4.  Include: whether you can join us for the whole day or part time.

If you’re coming from a distance and need a place to stay overnight, please reach out.

Zazenkai is typically on the schedule for the first Sunday in Jan, Apr, Jun, and Oct:  In 2024, that’s Jan 7, Apr 7, Jun 2, and Oct 6 2024.

Sept 29 – Sangha Meeting

We’ll be meeting for a Sangha Meeting on Sunday September 29 2024, after the regular Sunday morning sit.  All are welcome!  If you have items you’d like everybody to discuss, please communicate them to Meikame.

Topics: Our Shared Practice, Service Positions, Events, Zazenkai, Finances, Talks, Inviting a Teacher for an event, Outreach to the wider community, etc.

Sept 15 Study Resumes – Opening to Oneness, Nancy Mujo Baker

[The Study Group resumes on Sept 15 with Chapter 7, facilitated by Shokai.]

Oxbow Zen Study takes place on the third Sunday of each month. We are meeting in the Zendo after our usual Sunday sit, beginning at 9:30.

We’re studying Opening to Oneness: A Practical Guide to the Zen Precepts by Nancy Mujo Baker.”  For those who wish to order the book online the following link is provided:  https://www.shambhala.com/opening-to-oneness.html

Upcoming:  Sept 15 (Chapter 7, Shokai): Non-elevating Oneself and Blaming Others

Past meetings: June 23 (Chapter 6, HonGō), May 19 (Chapter 5, Meikame), March 17 (Soshin Sensei, Chapter 4),  Feb 18 (Jo-Ei, Chapter 3), Nov 19 (Ann, Chapter 2), Oct 15 (Shokai, “Non-killing”),

[There’s also a YouTube video when she talked with the VZ book group.]