Study Jan 29 2023

Study (Sunday):  We’re back with our once-a-month study of chapters in The Zen Teachings of Homeless Kodo, by Kosho Uchiyama & Shohaku Okumura.  This will take place after the regular Sunday sits, in place of the usual check-in.

For January 29 2023, we will be looking at Chapter 50, page 188, “Changeable Mind.” Kai/Daishi will facilitate.

Next Study:  Sunday February 29.  Ann L. will be facilitating.

Study Nov 27 2022

Study (Sunday):  We’re back with our once-a-month study of chapters in The Zen Teachings of Homeless Kodo, by Kosho Uchiyama & Shohaku Okumura.  This will take place after the regular Sunday sits, in place of the usual check-in.

For Nov 27, we will be looking at Chapter 66, page 188, “Enriching our Lives.” Kenko will facilitate.

Next Study:  Sunday January 29.  Kai/Daishi will facilitate.  (No study in December, due to holidays and retreat.)

Oxbow Zen Sangha: Fall/Winter 2022/23

At our Sangha Meeting today, we discussed plans for various events.  Here’s the resulting plan (updated on Nov 13):

Quarterly Zazenkais: Moving forward, we’ll be holding a regular Zazenkai in early December, March, June, and September.  Typically, these will take place on the first weekend of the month (except for September, when we meet on the second weekend to avoid Labor Day).  Mark your calendars.

Full Service (Sunday):  Starting on November 6 2022, we will be doing a once-a-month full service as part of every Sunday sit.  This will include the Heart Sutra, Sho Sai Myo Kichijo Dharani, and the Enmei Jukku Kannon Gyo, along with healing lists and memorial dedications.

Weekday evening sit (Thursday):  Starting soon on December 1, we will be adding a regular, weekly Thursday evening sit from 5:30-7:00 PM, with two rounds of sitting.

Study (Sunday):  Starting on October 30 2022, we are resuming our once-a-month study of chapters in The Zen Teachings of Homeless Kodo, by Kosho Uchiyama & Shohaku Okumura.  This will take place after the regular Sunday sits, in place of the usual check-in.

    • For the study on Oct 30, we will look at Chapter 9, page 31, “What is Happiness?”  Jo-Ei will facilitate.
    • For Nov 27, we will look at Chapter 66, page 188, “Enriching our Lives.”  Kenko will facilitate.

Study: Homeless Kodo

Will resume in the fall, stay tuned – Chapter 9 “What is Happiness?” on page 31 — Oxbow Zendo & Zoom

We’re studying the “Zen Teachings of the Homeless Kodo” by Koshu Uchiyama and Shohaku Okumura at our monthly study meetings.  Looking forward to studying the text with you.  Please go ahead and start reading.  Mark any sections that speak to you and bring those to the monthly study meeting (dates: 3/27, 4/24, …).

Service: Jewel Mirror (Dec)

The Dharma of thusness
Is intimately conveyed by Buddhas and Ancestors
Now you have it
Keep it well

Starting in December, we plan chant the “Song of the Jewel Mirror Awareness” (PDF) along with the Women Ancestors as our service so it can settle more fully into our bodies, minds, and bones.  Hope you’ll be able to participate.

Householder Koans (now: Oct 24)

Study, now October 24: 9:30 am – 11:00 am,  The Book of Householder Koans by Eve Myonen Marko and Wendy Egyoku Nakao.  Jo-Ei will facilitate our investigation of “Kit’s New Practice” (p. 233). We’ll be exploring various ways to engage with this koan.  All are welcome!

Also, we’re considering other books to continue our shared study.  Please bring any suggestions to this study meeting.

  • Sept 24: updated with the specific koan on page 233.
  • Oct 11: date shifted to Oct 24.

Householder Koans (Sept 19)

Study, September 19: 9:30 am – 11:00 am,  The Book of Householder Koans by Eve Myonen Marko and Wendy Egyoku Nakao.  We’ll focus on the Koan “Ariel: Modern Nirvana” (p. 217). We’ll be exploring various ways to engage with this and other koans.  Is there a koan that resonates with you? If so, go ahead and bookmark the page, as we are exploring many of these koans.

Householder Koans (July 11)

Study:  July 11, 2021, 9:30 am – 11:00 am,  The Book of Householder Koans by Eve Myonen Marko and Wendy Egyoku Nakao. We will focus on one koan, Myonen: White Wolf, p. 225. We’ll be exploring various ways to engage with this and other koans.  Is there another koan in the same section that resonates with you? If so, go ahead and bookmark the page, as we may explore other koans, time permitting.