Roshi Enkyo writes:
On Thursday, August 1st, Soshin was given the role of Dharma Holder (Hōshi). A Dharma Holder is an Assistant Teacher, empowered to give informal interview. Soshin will now be available to help in the teaching here and with her sangha in the Pioneer Valley, Massachusetts.
Hōshi translates as “teacher of dharma.” In our line, Maezumi Roshi began to use this term for a person who had completed koan study. Here at the Village Zendo, the title is given to one who is well-versed in the teachings, embodies them, and can share them. Hoshis continue their training while also offering interview to others.
Soshin began her studies at the Village Zendo in the early 2000s; she took Jukai in 2005 with the Dharma name 瑞Zuisho (Auspicious Happiness). In 2009 she ordained and received the Dharma name 窓真 SOSHIN (window of truth)
Soshin has studied with Roshi and the Village Zendo teachers, with Anraku Sensei in Northampton, and most recently with Ryotan Sensei both online and on his visits to the Pioneer Valley sangha. Thus, Ryotan joined Roshi in the empowerment.
Congratulations to Soshin Hoshi!
圓教 / Enkyo